Aiden McGrew

I am sure everyone in the country has heard the story of little Aiden McGrew recently.  He was the 2-month-old baby that was ultimately killed by a dog in South Carolina.

This is particularly tragic for me as a resident of South Carolina.  It also makes me especially angry.  I can think of no reason why a parent would leave a baby unprotected in the living room while they slept in the bedroom.  I am further dumbfounded when you add to that a dog that the family had only had a short time and had no way of knowing whether it was safe to have around children.  Well, both the baby boy and the dog are now dead and the sleepy father is being charged with unlawful neglect of a child.

Protect your children.  NEVER leave your child unsupervised with a dog.

Click to read more on this case.

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