There is currently a bill on the table in Missouri that would expand the state’s safe haven window from 5 days to 45 days, which is the national average.

I am glad that the state is trying to do something with this, but I am still confused as to why any state would think such a short window would be a good idea.  Odds are, even if a mother does drop her newborn off after an age limit, she will not be criminally prosecuted.  That is not the issue.  The problem is, a mother might get scared that her child is outside the window and be too afraid to take the baby to a safe haven.  This could lead to that child being placed in a dangerous situation.

As always, the main problem is that there is no funding to promote these laws.  There is no need for a parent to fear utilizing safe haven as long as the baby has been reasonably well cared for.  I wish there was a magical solution to this problem and I could make sure every single parent knew the facts.

For now, please read this article.

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