Julianne McCrery

Although this is not a story of the abandonment of an infant, I wanted to share it with you anyway.  This adorable 6 year old boy was found dead on a dirt road in Maine.  Police were suspicious when no children matching his description were reported missing.  This is very unusual. 

It turns out that he was not reported missing because his own mother, Julianne McCrery, was responsible for his death by asphyxiation.  She had even called his school every day to tell them that he was sick before she was apprehended.

Although a 6 year old is not covered by Safe Haven Laws, that does not mean there are no options out there for parents incapable of caring for older children.  There are many people willing to care for children of all ages, you just have to ask for help.  PLEASE ask for help.

Article found here.

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