Every time I think a story of infant abandonment just cannot get any worse… I am proven wrong.
A newborn was found in a garbage can. That does not sound so outrageous when compared to some others stories we have reported. That newborn was first placed in a plastic bag. That is worse, but still not the worst story I have ever heard. The garbage can that the baby in the bag was placed in… was in a hospital bathroom. This is most definitely the saddest story ever reported on this website.
I do not understand how it is even possible to do this to a baby. One other child a few months ago was found in a hospital trash can, but it was by a scared teenager who just did not want her parents to find out. That is not an excuse, of course, but the fact that this baby was first put in a plastic bag just seems so much more deliberately cruel. This mother was also 23, an adult who was fully aware of the consequences of her decision.
The baby was able to be resuscitated, but may suffer from brain damage due to prolonged oxygen deprivation
I have no more words for this.
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