Ever wonder how Safe Haven Laws started?  Read this fantastic article.  After finding several victims of infanticide, Tim Jaccard did some research to find out how prevalent the epidemic was.  What he found was absolutely appalling.  41 babies in just 3 cities in just ONE MONTH were found dead.  He knew he had to do something and proceeded to found the Children of Hope Foundation.

Prior to the passage of Safe Haven Laws, mothers did not have many choices.  If they acknowledged that they could not care for their babies and left them in the hospital, they could face up to four years in prison for child abandonment.  The mothers whom did not see other alternatives would leave them in dangerous places or even kill them to get rid of any evidence of their crime.  It is impossible to tell how many babies have been saved by the Abandoned Infant Protection Act, but we have certainly seen a decline in the number of infanticides.  There is no longer any justification whatsoever for mothers not to leave unwanted children at a Safe Haven location.

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