In South Carolina there is currently a bill working its way through the House that would expand infant protection laws.  It is the wish of the sponsors, like Chip Limehouse, R-Charleston, that babies up to 3 years old could be protected under the Safe Haven Laws.  It was prompted by such high profile cases as Shaquan Duley – who if you recall instead of choosing to give her two young children up for adoption chose a much worse option to relieve herself of her maternal responsibilities.

It has received some opposition as some see no need for the expansion.  Parents of children older than the 30 days old now permitted under Safe Haven have always had the option of going through other channels if they cannot care for their children, like the Department of Social Services.  This does not seem like a good reason to me to deny the expansion of the law.  The laws were not put in place so that people who normally would not give up their children, now will.  The law is only in place to make sure these children are not put in danger if that decision is made.  It just does not seem likely that the higher age limit would have nearly as many negatives as positive outcomes.

Still, an interesting article.  Click here.

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