Barbara Gallen and son Tal

Hoorah!  I have found another happy article!  This story is about one particular little boy whose mother took advantage of the Safe Haven laws and left her son in the care of an approved location.  That little boy is now a part of a loving family that is thrilled to have him as an addition to their home.  Not only does the adoptive mother approve of Safe Haven laws, but she sends blessings to the birth mother praising her for her decision to relinquish her parental rights so that her little boy could grow up safe and cared for.

This really proves that Safe Haven laws are in the best interests of everyone.  The birth parents are not prosecuted as long as the child has not been abused or neglected, the child grows up in a happy and safe home, and the adoptive parents get to make their family whole by bringing in one of these unwanted babies.  Who can argue with an outcome like that?

Click here for today’s article.

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