Age Restrictions not very Restrictive
A woman unable to care for her 6-month-old baby dropped her son off at a Chicago fire station recently. Yes, the baby was well-over the state’s age limit for Safe Haven drop-offs, but as the article points out, what good will come of arresting her? The baby did not appear to have suffered any abuse […]
Tearjerker: Infant Abandonment
This is one of the most well-written and heartbreaking stories of infant abandonment I have ever read. It is so well-written that I am not going to retell it in my own words because I do not feel like I could do it justice. Please promote Safe Haven laws. If this article doesn’t get to […]
Adoption Centers Help with Questions
This article, again, was sparked by the Burkle infanticide. It has quite a lot more information, however. One adoption expert said that his organization gets many calls from mothers who do not know what to do after they deliver. First, this worries me since there appears to be many women who are not giving birth […]
Court in Session on 2009 Infanticide
Today’s horrific tale of infanticide actually happened in 2009, but I do not believe we reported on it and the court case has recently started. Juana Valencia, 21, was in high school at the time of the incident. She gave birth at work and put the baby in a plastic bag and threw it in […]
Newborn Twins Found Dead in Trunk
Just when I think my job promoting Safe Haven is making a little bit of a difference, I get proven wrong. Every time. Jackie Burkle, 22, confessed to killing her newborn twins after police found them in the trunk of her car. The whole story broke because a concerned coworker noticed she was no longer […]
Whereabouts of Newborn Unknown to Police
This is a new one for me. A mother is facing charges of killing her newborn though no child has been found. Seem strange? Well the mother admitted to giving birth to a baby but refuses to tell police where it is. The police department has been searching the area around where she gave birth, […]
Safe Haven Success in Connecticut
Need more instruction on how to safely give up a newborn? Read this article. It is a great example. A friend of the child’s mother took a newborn under 30 days old to a Meriden, Connecticut hospital and dropped her off. The child showed no signs of abuse and was safely handed over to authorities […]
Texas Stats on Abandonment and Abuse
There is a link to today’s article below. I am not going to give very many details on it since it is a very short article, but I urge you to read it. It includes some absolutely terrifying and disheartening statistics on child abandonment and abuse in Texas. If you read many articles on this […]
Baby Abandoned at Walgreens
Today’s story is a head-scratcher. Illinois police were alerted to a baby that had been abandoned in a Walgreens shopping cart. The baby was fine, thankfully. Even stranger, the mother reported from across the street from the Walgreens that the child was kidnapped. Employees assured police that she had brought the child in, spoken to […]
Pennsylvania Baby Needs Help!
Like a few other articles we have reported on, police are asking for the public’s help in locating the parents of an abandoned baby based on the items left with the child. A baby in Pennsylvania was left in a cardboard box just a few days before Christmas. The baby was only a few hours […]