Today’s article deals with an issue we have not covered: baby selling.

It had never occurred to me that this was a common issue.  Apparently, it is so common that most states actually have laws about baby selling and buying making it a felony.  Of course, it does not apply to legitimate adoption or surrogacy situations. 

This woman, however, tried to sell her 3-day-old infant at a Taco Bell for $500.  She denies the allegations, but other witnesses have corroborated with the report.  Safe Haven Laws in all states allow newborns to be placed into protective custody with no questions asked.  Though no information was provided as to whether she was aware of these laws, it is possible that she was and was just in desperate need of money.  This is not an excuse.  If someone had taken her up on the offer and the baby was sold to an unfit parent… I cannot imagine what could have become of the poor child.

Full article can be read by clicking here.

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