Wow, this was a great article!

Did you know Massachusetts has not seen one infant death due to abandonment since Safe Haven was passed?  I didn’t.  Seven years ago! That’s amazing!

From what this article says, it appears as though Massachusetts does a lot more publicity for the Safe Haven Act than many other states.  They are even thinking of continuing to expand their infant protection laws.  Many mothers who abandon their children are teenagers.  Many teenagers are unable to drive making it difficult to safely surrender a newborn sometimes.

If I am reading this correctly, it looks like they are trying to add 911 responders to the protocol so that newborns can be picked up and safely dropped off at a safe haven hospital.  Once again, a fantastic idea!  This is not something I had ever thought about, but I bet at least one child has perished for exactly this reason.  I am so happy Massachusetts has such a passion for this cause.

I highly recommend this article.

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