Adoption Centers Help with Questions

This article, again, was sparked by the Burkle infanticide.  It has quite a lot more information, however. One adoption expert said that his organization gets many calls from mothers who do not know what to do after they deliver.  First, this worries me since there appears to be many women who are not giving birth […]

Another Dumpster Baby in Savannah

There was a baby found in a dumpster in Savannah just a few weeks ago and the mother has been found.  Her name was not released in today’s article, only that she is 18-years-old. The article also mentions why the law was enacted in Georgia.  Back in 2002, another baby was found in a dumpster […]

Teenager Hides Pregnancy and Child

Some of the stories I sift through here at One by One Safe Haven are just too unbelievable to be true.  As far as I know, this one is factual. I teenage girl hid her entire pregnancy and gave birth in her home without telling anyone.  Even though she did not deliver in a hospital, […]

Safe Haven Still Needs Help

This article was excellent, but very hard to read. I do so much research for this website, sometimes I think I may be becoming desensitized by the more and more horrible atrocities that I read.  This article surprised me, though.  It provided brief explanations for many infanticides one right after the other.  It is very […]

Surprising Trends in Infant Abandonment

Wow.  Today’s article has some statistics that actually surprised me. It initially talks about how Illinois has expanded Safe Haven locations to include university police stations, which we have already reported on.  They then mention that in the decade since Safe Haven was adopted in Illinois, 69 babies were saved by a safe haven location.  […]

Age Limits for Safe Haven Laws

I very much enjoyed this article. It appears to be written from a younger perspective, which I like.  I wish more young people who write about Safe Haven Laws.  It is a good form of peer pressure since most parents who abandon newborns are teens.  All it takes to spread the word so fewer babies […]

Illinois Expands Safe Haven Again

Safe Haven laws will be expanding in Illinois once again. Locations available for safe drop-off of newborn babies will now include universities.  The baby must be left in the care of a designated staff member to ensure that it is safe before the parent can anonymously relinquish their parental rights. University students are another high-risk […]

Laquasia Wright: Catalyst for Curriculum Changes

A few weeks ago, I am sure you all remember the teenager Laquasia Wright, 18, who threw her infant down a garbage chute.  Now school administrators in the area are considering making sex education mandatory to prevent further tragedies like this one. It is far too late for this girl who is being charged with […]

Massachusetts is Leader in Infant Protection

Wow, this was a great article! Did you know Massachusetts has not seen one infant death due to abandonment since Safe Haven was passed?  I didn’t.  Seven years ago! That’s amazing! From what this article says, it appears as though Massachusetts does a lot more publicity for the Safe Haven Act than many other states.  […]

An Informed Decision is a Good Decision

I enjoyed this article. It is exactly the sort of information we report here at One By One Safe Haven and it is always nice to hear someone else who shares our passion on this issue.  One point in particular that I like is when she brings up the “Just Say No” slogan.  She points […]