This article made several points that I would like to counter today.
First, Adam Pertman claims that Safe Haven Laws tell young mothers that it is okay to abandon their children. That is most definitely not the goal of these laws. It is my belief that young mothers who are not capable of handling the task of raising children, would do those children more harm by keeping them than by surrendering them. When there are so many people wishing to adopt a baby, Safe Haven Laws create a win-win situation.
Second, he states that Safe Haven Laws deny children the right to know their genealogical histories. This is a problem that many have attempted to rectify. Many Safe Haven locations do ask parents to fill out a questionnaire about their medical history when they surrender their children. Unfortunately, asking for such personal information could cause many parents to become skiddish and possibly drop their children in unsafe locations instead. The only way to resolve the issue is to make sure everyone knows exactly how the laws work and that they will not be prosecuted for utilizing Safe Haven drop sites. This way, they will be more willing to answer medical questions for the child’s future benefit.
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