This article does not deal with a specific scenario involving infanticide, but speaks about the problem in general and why it is so persistent. 

One quote really stands out to me and is the today’s topic: Infanticides “…are the tragic outcome of specific situations, but they are also evidence of pervasive problems in society – the consequence of the reality that women are sometimes not safe, equal or valued.”  I can certainly agree that one reason why young women often hide their pregnancies and lie about what happened to their children is that they do not feel safe or valued.  They worry that they will be punished and ostracized.  Although getting the word out about Safe Haven Laws will save some babies… we cannot prevent the fact that parents will be disappointed when their teens get pregnant and students will look down upon classmates who get pregnant. 

Unfortunately, those will always be consequences of teenage pregnancy.  Would I call this a problem with society?  Only insofar as young women do not see this as a significant deterrent for abstaining from sex or using protection. 

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