Great news for the Safe Haven advocates in Tennessee!

The state has just granted a $20,000 increase in funding for the Secret Safe Place for Newborns.  They will use the money to help spread the word about Safe Haven Laws and ensure children are protected and brought to a safe location if the parents choose to voluntarily terminate their parental rights.

I know there are so many issues these days that need time and money.  I know it is hard to choose what is most important.  This issue is close my own heart because infants cannot help themselves.  They have no way of preventing their parents from abandoning them in an unsafe location.  They need people to stand up and protect them from harm if their parents are unwilling to do so.  Cheers to Tennessee for agreeing that this is a worthy and necessary cause.

Article found here.

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One Response

  1. To whom it may concerne, i am one of Baby Mary’s sisters. I never got to meet her which really hurts but i live in louisiana. I would like to thank everyone that helped to make this memorial possible. I am aware that i may be late at giving thanks but i just fell upon this article today. Anyone with the exact whereabouts of her gravesite let me know. Again thank you all an god bless.