I think anyone familiar with the history of Safe Haven remembers Baby Mary.  Her abuse and death led Pennsylvania to pass the laws to protect babies from suffering her same fate.

More specifically, she was from Northumberland County.  A decade after her death, we have another story from her home that is also tragic.  A baby girl named Aneela was left in the care of her grandmother while her mother got her nails done among other things.  The grandmother did not check on the little girl for approximately 19 hours.  During this time, the temperature rose to 90 degrees due to a space heater and the baby perished from hyperthermia.

The grandmother, mother, and father are all facing charges of involuntary manslaughter in connection with baby Aneela’s death.  I know when parents give their children up to a safe haven, many people are disappointed that they were not able to take on the responsibility.  It think it goes without saying that this is better than what happened to little Aneela.

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