Are you pregnant? Scared, unsure of where to turn, or what to do? Teenage pregnancy can be terrifying to young mothers without options. If you are unfamiliar with the laws in your state, we can help. Check out our resources on each state. Call our help line number or in most states you can contact hospital personnel. If you are a teen and pregnant, we want you to know there are options, without blame, shame or names!

Although the laws differ slightly from state to state, in most cases The Safe Haven Act allows a parent to surrender an infant to hospitals, medical facilities and other authorized personnel. Check our map for your state!

The statistics state: … “that one in three teen girls in the United States is estimated to get pregnant at least once before age 20?” Read more….

We are on a mission to spread the word nationwide about the Baby Safe Haven Laws in each state. We are trying to reach scared mothers without options. Teenage Pregnancy has always been an issue in our country but the outcome doesn’t have to be.

You never know how many lives you may touch just by taking a second to pass on a little information. You personally may not know someone in need of help but you just might know someone who knows someone who knows someone…. Please pass this information on and help spread the word!

Mothers in Need

There are many programs available to mothers in need of assistance. Teen pregnancy is an important issue. There are health risks for the baby and children born to teenage mothers are more likely to suffer health, social, and emotional problems. Women who become pregnant during their teens have an increased risk for complications, such as premature labor and socioeconomic consequences as well. Women’s Health Resources has lots of facts for teen pregnancy here.

For more help with Teenage Pregnancy contact our help line. And please help us spread the word to others about our program and our mission.

Thank you,

Working for our Children….One-by-One

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