County Supervisor Gets Personal Proof Safe Haven Laws Work

After that story last week, I have had just about all of the sadness I can take.  This week will feature nothing but HAPPY stories! First up is this article from the Signal Tribune Newspaper.  The Los Angeles County Supervisor got a visit from one the abandoned newborns covered under the Safely Surrendered Baby Law […]

Another Victory for Safe Haven Laws

Finally, the kind of headline I like to see! “Mother Acted Within Safe Haven Guidelines”.  Short story.  No sensationalism.  A mother who acknowledged that she could not care for her child obeyed the law and ensured the safety of her newborn by leaving it with personnel at her local hospital.  She will face no charges […]

Knowing Safe Haven Laws Can Help Mothers & Babies

Continuing with sadness-free Happy Story Week is this article out of Anderson, South Carolina. A baby was born at AnMed Health Women’s and Children’s Hospital and was left there by the mother under Daniel’s Law.  This is just the perfect scenario.  It is exactly what the makers of Safe Haven Laws hoped for when these […]

Heartwarming & Long Overdue Thank You From Abandoned Infant

Most of the articles I read lately are utterly depressing.  Even the stories that ultimately have a good message are such somber, fact-based, drab things.  Finally, I have found an article that completely warmed my heart.  It has got everything a great story should have: mystery, heroic characters, and a happy ending for everyone. Two […]

Infant Abandonment or Infant Homicide?

I have an update for everyone on a story I reported last week.  Unfortunately, it’s a terrible update.  Worse than I could have imagined.  If you recall, a baby was found in a field, but police were unsure if it was a homicide because the child appeared to have severe medical problems.  It was possible […]

Infant Abandoned in Nevada Desert

The body of an infant girl was found in a field in Nevada.  Nothing so far proves that this is a homicide and it does appear as though the baby had medical problems.  Regardless, police need information as to how the body ended up in that field.  Even if there was no foul play here, […]

Infant Abandoned in Colorado Church

No victory for us today.  A baby was found approximately 4 hours after birth in a bathroom sink of a Colorado church just last week.  Churches are not covered under the Safe Haven Laws in Colorado as a drop-off site.  Even if churches were an option, the mother did not leave the newborn in the […]

Illinois Infant Protection Laws Changing

Illinois will expand infant protection laws after the Jakobsson bill was approved unanimously in February.  The initial Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act covers the same locations as most others including police and fire stations as well as hospitals. When Jakobsson learned that the problem of abandoned babies was occurring quite commonly on college campuses, he […]

Baby Safe Haven Laws Keep Mother and Baby Safe

Another search for a missing mother is in progress in Galveston, TX.  This is a bit different than other cases of abandoned infants and their mother’s, however.  At this time, they are not pursuing any legal sanction against her, though the circumstances of the case certainly warrant it.  Someone left the infant on a doorstep […]

Infant Abandonment? A Mother’s Worst Fear!

This is a short article about Nicole DeJaynes who is currently in jail pending investigation into her infant’s death.  The baby was found in a trash can near her apartment building.  Authorities are still unsure whether this is actually a case of infant abandonment as the child may not have been born alive.  We will […]