Another “Win” for Safe Haven

This isn’t the most exciting article, but I am a bit tired of the interesting, horrifying articles and am happy to report on this boring, happy article. A baby boy in Maine was left at a hospital covered under the Safe Haven Laws.  He is in state custody until the parents’ rights can be legally […]

Another Infant Saved by Safe Haven

Today’s article is sad to think about, but is ultimately a victory for Safe Haven Laws. An infant was dropped off at a local fire station with the umbilical cord and part of the placenta still attached.  It is sad to think that the mother was afraid to give birth safely in a hospital.  It […]

Rebecca Blackmore Charged with 1st Degree Murder for Stabbing her Infant

Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse than a father dropping a cinderblock on his newborn baby… …until I see this article where 16-year-old Rebecca Blackmore actually stabbed her infant and left it in a closet to die.  First of all, where were this girl’s parents?  Did no one notice that she was pregnant?  […]

Update on Baby Killed by Cinderblock

This article has more information on the case involving the baby killed by its father with a cinderblock.  You can click here to read the explicit details, but the bottom line is this child did not have to die just because it was unwanted by the parents. The article also brings up another interesting point […]

How Strict are Safe Haven Laws?

A woman took her 2, 3, and 4 year old children to a Lincoln, NE hospital recently.  Although all of the children were too old to be legally covered under the Safe Haven Laws, the children were safely taken in after the woman told the hospital of her plan to kill the children and herself.  […]

Is it Hard to Find a Safe Haven?

This article brings up another point about Safe Haven Laws.  In Pennsylvania alone, there are 250 hospitals that are Safe Haven drop-off sites for unwanted newborns.  This does even include other locations like fire departments and police stations.  Given the prevalence of these safe locations, one would think they would be utilized.  Unfortunately, that is […]

Should Schools Teach Safe Haven?

This article does not have any new information that we have not reported here on One By One Safe Haven, but it is definitely worth the read.  The writer makes a good point by saying “Not a state in this nation forces mothers to keep unwanted newborns.”  I like that quote.  There have been options […]

Tramon Williams: Safe Haven Hero

Hurray for Green Bay Packers cornerback Tramon Williams!  He helped raise money for Wisconsin’s Safe Haven Laws during The Safe Place for Newborns Baby Parade and Walk.  Did you know Safe Haven Laws often get no funding from the state government?  That is why fundraisers like this are so important for this nation’s babies.  I […]

Man Kills Baby Daughter with Cinderblock

There is not much to this article, but I couldn’t not report it. A Pennsylvania man has been charged with homicide after dropping a cinderblock on his infant daughter… twice.  He said he and his wife, Jennifer Barrise, could not afford a second child.  They also have a 1-year-old.  Really?  Did he seriously think there were […]

School Helps Pregnant Teen: Success Story

I wish absolutely every pregnant teen could read this article.  The girl in the story was afraid to tell anyone that she was pregnant, but found the courage to talk to her guidance counselor at Neenah High School.  After speaking with her, the girl realized there were many services that could help her.  These services […]