Nebraska’s Safe Haven Laws | More Changes Needed?
I decided to do another flashback story for you today. This is another story that comes from Nebraska before the Safe Haven Laws set an age limit on children that could be given to a safe haven. A man left his nine children at a Nebraska hospital. The mother had recently passed and he felt […]
Texas’s adoption of Baby Moses Law Still Needs Spreading
Angelica Huerta Clark was charged in the murder of her infant a few weeks ago. The child was found in an apartment dumpster in Houston. The infant had no visible wounds, but an autopsy proved that the cause of death was asphyxiation and exposure. What else is there to say about a story like this? […]
The Pros & Cons of Safe Haven Laws
This is an older article, but I came across it today and really liked it. It was published by Time when Safe Haven Laws were first getting started in California. It covers both sides of the issue as far as those who are for the laws and those who are against. One point I thought […]
Looking at Safe Haven Laws in Another Light
Need yet another reason why Safe Haven Laws are necessary? The number of children who grow up in poverty is on the rise. This means that fewer and fewer children have access to healthy foods, vitamins, and medical care. A lot of parents who voluntarily give up their parental rights do so in recognition of […]
Money for Nebraska Safe Haven Laws
I have another interesting article from my home state of Nebraska. Senators are currently voting on a bill which will appropriate $15 million to children under the Safe Haven Law. Although no other children have been abandoned since the age limit was changed last year, they are still aware of the importance of the cause. […]
Understanding Safe Haven Laws
I really enjoyed this article from the Huron Daily Tribune. I wish I could make everyone in the United States read it. It lays out Safe Haven Laws in exactly the right way so that everyone can understand and everyone gets all the facts. The laws do not advocate abandonment. The laws certainly do not […]
Knowledge of Safe Have Laws Still Not Widespread
A letter to the editor of The Kansas City Star, struck a chord with me today. The part that really got to me was that she said it is unfortunate that everyone is not aware of the Safe Haven Laws in their state. Unfortunate? Really? I would have to say it is impossibly despicable that […]
National Child Abuse Prevention Month in April
Who knew April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month? We did! But somehow, our post didn’t make it to publish! Nevertheless, Child abuse prevention doesn’t stop in April so we wanted to pass along this information anyway. Today’s article reviews how local agencies are raising awareness for this issue. It also reviews a bit of […]
Age Restrictions for Safe Haven Laws
A 12 year old boy in Nebraska was dropped off at a hospital by his family. What do you think about this? If you recall, when the Safe Haven Laws first went into effect in Nebraska no age limit was set on the children that would be taken care of if their parents could not. […]
Infant Protection Laws Could Expand in South Carolina
In South Carolina there is currently a bill working its way through the House that would expand infant protection laws. It is the wish of the sponsors, like Chip Limehouse, R-Charleston, that babies up to 3 years old could be protected under the Safe Haven Laws. It was prompted by such high profile cases as […]