Infant Abandoned Outdoors at a Trailer Park

Another baby was abandoned in an unsafe, outdoor location.  The mother Sara J. Clauson, 26, has been charged with reckless endangerment for the incident. She gave birth and then left the child on a neighbor’s lawn in the trailer park where she lived.  The baby was alone for 6 hours before she was discovered.  I […]

Does the Prevalence of Infanticide Signify a Problem with Society?

This article does not deal with a specific scenario involving infanticide, but speaks about the problem in general and why it is so persistent.  One quote really stands out to me and is the today’s topic: Infanticides “…are the tragic outcome of specific situations, but they are also evidence of pervasive problems in society – […]

Help Us Stop Infanticide

This is a fantastic article.  It again, concerns the poor baby who was killed by a cinderblock, but it also gives a more far-reaching perspective on Safe Haven Laws.  The author points out that although fairly few children have been saved by Safe Haven Laws, many more children have died since their inception.  This is […]

Rebecca Blackmore Charged with 1st Degree Murder for Stabbing her Infant

Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse than a father dropping a cinderblock on his newborn baby… …until I see this article where 16-year-old Rebecca Blackmore actually stabbed her infant and left it in a closet to die.  First of all, where were this girl’s parents?  Did no one notice that she was pregnant?  […]

Update on Baby Killed by Cinderblock

This article has more information on the case involving the baby killed by its father with a cinderblock.  You can click here to read the explicit details, but the bottom line is this child did not have to die just because it was unwanted by the parents. The article also brings up another interesting point […]

Melissa Cathryn McMillen: Mother of Unwanted Infant

Melissa Cathryn McMillen, 20, has been charged with second-degree murder for her daughter’s death.  She claims the child was stillborn, but medical examiners disagree though the actual cause of death has not been released. She gave birth on the toilet and left the newborn in it for 90 minutes afterward.  She then placed the child […]

Baby Abandoned by 37-year-old Woman

A 2-3 month old baby was found on the steps of a high school recently. No report was published as to how the mother was located, but it turned out to be a 37-year-old woman who lived in the area.  The baby girl seemed reseasonably well-cared for, but did have a bruise on her forehead.  […]

Hearing Held for Baby Found by Church Dumpster

I have another update for you, readers.  The parents of the newborn that was abandoned by a church dumpster went to court a few weeks ago.  Although the outcome has not been decided as of the time I am writing this, a few more details have come to light. I wish I could say they […]

Deanna Hammond Responsible for Baby in Trash

I have a bit more information on the newborn found in a trash can in Albany.  It turns out the mother is 20-year-old Deanna Hammond.  She has not yet admitted to putting the child in the garbage, but all signs point to her.  She is being charged with concealing the death and abandoning a dead […]

Albany Baby Found in Trash

Such unnecessary sadness.  The body of a newborn baby was found in a trash can in Albany just a few weeks ago. So far there is no information on whether the child was alive when placed in the bin.  It is a rather short article as many details about the case have not yet been […]