Tennessee Has Fundraiser for Safe Haven

Cheers to Secret Safe Place for Newborns Tennessee who had a fundraising luau for Safe Haven last month.  I am sorry I did not see this article before the benefit, but I still want to cover it. I am so happy there are organizations out there with people willing to give up their time and money […]

Update on Michaela Marshal

This article provides many more details about the mother, Michaela Marshal 26, who went door-to-door attempting to find someone to take her newborn. The first article I read stated that she was attempting to sell her.  This article makes no mention of this fact.  It also appears as though her blood alcohol level was only […]

Councilman Opposes Expansion of Safe Haven

This article reports on the expanding of Safe Haven Laws in Santa Barbara.  Instead of just hospitals, they will now allow fire stations to be safe havens, like many other states. What I do not like about this article is the opinion of Councilman Frank Hotchkiss.  He was opposed to the increase in safe havens […]

Another Case of Baby Selling: Michaela Marshal

Surprise, surprise.  Just last week I reported on a mother trying to sell her infant at a Taco Bell.  I had said it apparently happens more than I had realized.  Case in point: it has happened again.  Michaela Marshal, 26, went door-to-door asking people to buy her child.  Her blood alcohol level was three times […]

Dallas FD Brushes Up on Safe Haven

This article made me feel good. It covers the Dallas Fire Department and their efforts to make sure every staff member knows what to do when an infant is dropped off.  This year instead of simply having them read the guidelines, a representative from Baby Moses Dallas taught a class.  Did you know that there […]

What Happens at a Safe Haven?

We already covered the issue of the infant found in a trash can in South Bend, but I perused this article anyway.  I am glad I did. It has some information I found very interesting.  I have tried to make it clear exactly what parents can expect when they relinquish their parental rights to a […]

Baby for Sale at Taco Bell

Today’s article deals with an issue we have not covered: baby selling. It had never occurred to me that this was a common issue.  Apparently, it is so common that most states actually have laws about baby selling and buying making it a felony.  Of course, it does not apply to legitimate adoption or surrogacy […]

Anniversary for Baby Mary

This was a beautiful article. I am very sorry I missed the anniversary of Baby Mary’s death.  The mother responsible for leaving the child in a trashcan a decade ago is now serving a life sentence for first-degree murder.  Her name is Tracy Dupre. The article describes the memorial service that the Northumberland County community […]

Funding Increase for Tennessee Safe Haven

Great news for the Safe Haven advocates in Tennessee! The state has just granted a $20,000 increase in funding for the Secret Safe Place for Newborns.  They will use the money to help spread the word about Safe Haven Laws and ensure children are protected and brought to a safe location if the parents choose […]

Dead Baby Found in Hospital Trash

Every time I think a story of infant abandonment just cannot get any worse… I am proven wrong. A newborn was found in a garbage can.  That does not sound so outrageous when compared to some others stories we have reported.  That newborn was first placed in a plastic bag.  That is worse, but still […]